Post-jam update

First and probably final post-jam update, unless game-breaking bugs are discovered. It fixes a few minor bugs and add some fun secrets (if you can find them).

  • Fixed a bug with mixed up indicators used when Hecatia is off screen.
  •  Fixed a bug that caused the Eagle spirits to not play their animations
  • Fixed a bug that caused 'door opened' sound effect to not play in many instances.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause frozen enemies to linger after death.
  • Added missing hit sounds to the boss and things she sprouts.
  • Added a clearer animation to a MYSTERIOUS POWER
  • Healing now shows how much you heal.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause you to power up twice when grabbing a power-up item with two Hecatias on the same frame.
  •  The boss has somewhat more health. It's still a bad idea to touch her.
  •  Switches now stay switched when you enter and leave a screen
  • Changed Hell bomb damage scaling to be much stronger, especially at higher levels.
  • There are now more secrets
  • Various small adjustments to spawn point in levels

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93 days ago 30 MB
93 days ago 54 MB
93 days ago

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